It’s time again for writing challenges. Even if you don’t bring yours to share with the group, try one of them just for yourself. If you want to try using one or all of the words in a sentence, paragraph, short piece, these are the words for May: tree – necklace – gossip – rope…
Author: Starla
More April 20th Writing Prompts
Writing prompts were already provided for the April 20th KWA meeting, but we have more now. You have so many choices to challenge your writing skills. Your character has a parrot that can repeat words that it hears. Lately, it has picked up some disturbing language — it sounds as if it’s threatening your character!…
April 20th Writing Prompts
You can choose to use any or all of the five unrelated words and make them into a sentence, a paragraph, a poem, a memoir, or a piece of short fiction. The words do not have to be used in these forms. WORDS: holiday – pencil – hammock – attic – fortune PROMPT: Imagine that…
March 16th Writing Prompts
We will again have multiple writing challenges for you to choose from. Please give them a try, even if you decide not to read yours to the other members at the meeting. You can choose to use any or all of the five unrelated words and make them into a sentence, a paragraph, a poem,…
February 16th KWA Meeting
The program for the February 16th KWA meeting was arranged by Wes Brummer. He invited a film crew from WSU Shocker Studios to come talk about their programs, and making trailers. WSU Shocker Studios website This should be a great learning experience. Come with questions for our guests.
February 16th Writing Prompts
We are going to try something a little different for writing challenges this month. These are things I do in the writing classes I teach. Do whatever interests you. WORDS: angel – queen – mouse – gun – thrill (Use at least three of the unrelated words in a sentence, a paragraph, a poem, a…
Learning from the Masters
Program presented by Louise Pelzl Having worked in marketing and sales for years, there is one vital bit of knowledge I gained. It’s okay to borrow ideas that work well instead of reinventing them. We can’t use other authors’ exact words in our writing, that is plagiarism, but we can use the concept of how…
January 19th Writing Prompts
Happy New Year, everyone! Best wishes for your writing success in 2019 and beyond. These are the writing prompts for January: A tire blows out as you’re in the car with someone on the verge of his/her own breakdown. Stuck in a small town, you’re about to do something you haven’t done in years. Describe…
2019 Writing Goals
Are any of you up for setting writing goals for 2019? Years ago we used to do this in January of each year, and then see who had met (or come close to) their goals in December. It was fun and challenging. It is good to just plan to write when you get a chance….
December 15th Writing Prompts
Yes, we’re going to party at the December 15th KWA meeting. Yes, we’ll have fun visiting and networking. But you can still try you hand at one of the writing prompts for December. Grandmother pulled the last tray of gingerbread men from the oven. Suddenly… “Ho-Ho-help me!” came the voice from the chimney… All the…