Attention members, non-members, and other potential attendees; This is a reminder that our meetings will now be held on the FIRST Saturday of every month. That means our next meeting will be on February 1st. We will be meeting in our usual place at the usual time: the Evergreen Public Library Branch, located at 2601…
January 4 Meeting
Attention members, non-members, and other potential attendees. This is a reminder that our meetings will now be held on the FIRST Saturday of every month. Mark your calendar! Put a note on your refrigerator! Set a reminder on your phone! Tie a string around your finger! Just don’t forget! Again, the meeting will be held on…
Dec 21 Meeting
We want to recognize our members’ accomplishments, attempts, and failures concerning their writing experience in 2024. This recognition will be at the December holiday party December 21st.
Nov 16 Meeting
This month, our local publishing members, Sonny Collins and Starla Criser will be presenting about publishing your work and important things to be aware of when publishing and self-publishing. Kathy Pritchett is also doing her best to see if a representative of a larger publishing firm can visit and share with us about the publishing…
Oct 19 Meeting
Patti Black, a practicing witch here in Wichita, will be presenting about the day in the life of a witch, her personal history with the occult, and a few of her more “interesting” experiences. She owns Blackbird Magick and often holds classes at La Vie Boheme Curiosity Shop.
Sept 21 Meeting
Joe Stumpe will be our guest speaker for September. He’s the author of Wicked Wichita and will be speaking about history and how he gathers his information and inspiration for writing. I know several people are interested in history so bring your questions with you.
Aug 16 Meeting
This month, one of our fantasy adventure authors and one of our more experienced students of and presenters on world building, Wendell Skinner, will share with us all of the impressive knowledge he has gathered and used in his own fantasy adventure storytelling! Wendell has a remarkable knowledge base and a lot of important insights…
July 20 Meeting
July 20 – This month, one of our more prolific authors, Jana Dahmen, will talk about her writing style and tips for strong writing, including punctuation, parts of speech, and how she edits and proofreads. Jana is an accomplished author and a charming spirit, so her advice will be both interesting and helpful to new…
June 15 Meeting
Jun 15 – Artificial Intelligence – This month, Lark and Rebecca will present on artificial intelligence and its impact on the writing world. It’s a hot and fascinating topic that should be interesting for writers of all genres
May 17 Meeting
May 18 – Medical examination/Bail Bonds/Prosecutor – This month, JaTonna’s dad will be sharing with us about his experiences as a medical examiner and all the fascinating ins-and-outs of that world!