Directory of Publishers that Accept Submissions
- Writer’s Relief – Author’s Submission Service – They’ve been helping creative writers find the best markets for their work for over 29 years.
- Book Blush – A website that filters romance novels by their sexually explicit content. It goes from kisses and sweet vibes to sex in explicit terms. Listing your book here is free.
- One Stop for Writers – A storehouse of creative information loaded with one-of-a-kind story and character-planning resources
- 30 Mystery Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions – Mystery is one of those genres that over the years has managed to accumulate a huge number of subgenres. From cozy mysteries, literary mysteries, and crime novels to ones focused on conspiracies, now there is a mystery subgenre for almost every reader’s taste. Most of the publishers in the above link focus on one or two sub-genres of mystery, although other companies are much larger multi-genre publishers that are open to mystery books, as well as books from other genres.