Unfortunately, illness does not respect a calendar. Kenna came down with bronchitis and a summer cold in the middle of the week and will not be able to present to us on Saturday. However, she will make it to another meeting. In the interim, I will present on “How to Build Dimensional Characters.” Into this, I will…
Wichita Public Library’s Local Author Day
Hello authors! After a three year hiatus, Wichita Public Library’s Local Author Day is back! August 20th will be a day to celebrate the writing talent in our community, which includes YOU! You are receiving this email because you participated with us last time or in the three years since you’ve reached out to us about your publication. If you’d like to participate…
July 16th KWA Meeting
The Kansas Writer’s Association is in for a treat at its next regular meeting on July 16 Kenna Reeves, Emporia State professor, will present on “Non-Verbal Communication.” As she teaches a full semester class on this subject, she will have much great information to impart that can improve our writing by making it come to…
Local Author Day – Aug 20
Event Title: Local Author Day: Writer’s Panel Date: Saturday, August 20, 2022 Start Time: 10:30 AM End Time: 11:30 AM Location: Advanced Learning Library Space: Conference Center A Description: Local Author Day is back! As part of our festivities, a panel of authors will share their experiences with writing, publishing, and marketing themselves, not to mention all the ups and downs of…
June 18 – KWA Open House
The Kansas Writer’s Association Open House is fast approaching! Next Saturday, June 18, at the Sedgwick County Extension office, Sunflower Room, 21st and Ridge, from 2-4. You can enter from either street and park on either side. Access is easy and there are plentiful restrooms. https://www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/ We welcome our new members and guests for snacks, door prizes,…
Open House – Everyone Has a Story
Do you have a story in your head? Has it been in there for so long that it has grown cobwebs? We have a solution for you! We are the Kansas Writers Association. Our mission is to inform, support, encourage, and promote writers of all levels. Want to learn more? We are having an Open…
May 21st KWA Meeting
Our May meeting will be on the 21st at 1:30. Held at the Sedgwick County Extension Office, 21st and Ridge. We will learn about the importance of the right title and what catches a librarian’s eye in a title. We will also have a short presentation on the “Best Book” lists, and why those books…
Some Helpful Resources
There are many helpful resources available for new and established authors. A couple of my favorite ones that offer a lot of various tips are Kindlepreneur.com and Janefriedman.com. Here are a couple of items that interested me recently. Republish vs Update a Book: Which One is Better? https://kindlepreneur.com/republish-vs-update/ The Vital Difference Between Plot and Story…
Wes Brummer – Botanica Gardens
less Lunchtime Lecture – May 4, 11:30-12:15 pm Wes Brummer will talk about the poor farm history behind his first novel “Dust and Roses.” Casey Jones will speak about growing up in small town Kingman in the ‘60s in his humorous memoir “Boomer Tales.” Then Wes will talk about “Stalag Sunflower,” his historical novel of…
Summary of the April 16th Meeting
We had a great presentation by Racine Zackula from the Wichita Public Library yesterday. If you missed it, we will soon have notes from that presentation on the website. She talked to us about the many, many resources available for everyone, especially writers. Racine went over how to donate your author books to the library….