In case you need some more writing prompts to challenge you, here are some additional ones. You’re walking home from work one night and are taking shortcuts through a labyrinth of dark city alleyways to meet someone on time. Suddenly, a stranger parts the shadows in front of you, comes close, and asks you to…
Category: News
October 19 Writing Prompts
As always, we like to challenge our members to test their writing skills and their imagination. If you haven’t taken part in this, you’re missing out on the fun. Bring your writing exercise to the meeting to share with others. Writing Exercise Words: moth – bookcase – anger – rabbit – river Writing Prompt: You’re…
Election Time for 2020 Approaching
KWA elects its board of directors for the next year in November, with the new directors taking office in January. Now is the time for you, the members, to consider running for a position. If you are interested, let one of the current directors know at least by the October meeting. Our current Bylaws require…
More September 21 Writing Prompts
To give you more choices, here are some more challenging writing prompts. It’s time for you and Writer’s Block to part ways. Write a letter breaking up with Writer’s Block, starting with, “Dear Writer’s Block, It’s not you, it’s me…” Start your story with: “My father gave me three life rules to live by. 1….
September 21 Writing Prompts
Time to get your muse working, to challenge yourself with your writing. As always there are writing prompts to choose from and words to figure out how to use together. Or come up with your own writing challenge. Be sure to bring whatever you come up with to the next meeting to share with everyone….
August 17th Writing Prompts
It’s time again for writing challenges. Even if you don’t bring yours to share with the group, try one of them just for yourself. If you want to try using one or all of the words in a sentence, paragraph, short piece, these are the words for August: hope – train – flute – computer…
Wichita Public Library Local Author Day
Wichita has a diverse array of authors in our midst! Many of them will be in attendance at the library’s Local Author Day with copies of their books available for sale, including children’s titles. The event is FREE and open to the public. Get connected with and support your friendly local authors from August 24,…
Future Program Suggestions
It is time again for the membership to discuss future meeting programs. The board discusses them, but ideas really need to be considered by everyone. The following are some suggestions that I came up with. Hopefully many of you will look at the ideas, mull them over, and then talk about them at an upcoming…
July 20th Meeting
Jim Potter will present the July 20th program involving postcards. He will provide a PowerPoint presentation on “Postcards as Props and Prompts: How I Use Postcards in My Writing.” You won’t want to miss this program.
July 20th Writing Prompts
Please write a one to two-page story using one of the writing prompts, or use one of your own. Writing Prompts: Be a building or house you know well. Talk about your life and memories. What, if anything, would you be willing to fight or even die for? Explain your answer. Write about a time…