The board just wanted to share/remind folks that this month we’ll be replacing the August meeting with the Local Author’s Day at the Wichita Public Library/Advanced Learning Library (downtown library) on August 12th.
There will be a Writer’s Panel from 10:30 to 11:30. And then local authors will set up tables for you to peruse and talk with them from 2 to 4.
Several of our authors will be presenting at that gathering. It is a great opportunity to get to know local authors and to check out their writing! So many great local writers sharing their work and inspiring the rest of us on this day! Definitely worth checking out and getting to know all the local writing talent in the Wichita area! Hope to see everyone there!
And then we’ll have our next official meeting on Saturday, September 16th, at Evergreen Library, where our own electric Ron Fitten will present on Chekov’s Guns, Red Herrings, & Deus Ex Machina. If you know Ron, you know it should be a fun and informative presentation! Definitely looking forward to it!
Hope everyone stays cool! And hope to see everyone at the Local Author’s Day! Take care!