As we continue to improve our website platform, the KWA would like to provide a new venue for our members to share profiles, information about upcoming releases, and their personal website information. Periodically, we want to showcase what our wonderful members are up to! That means we’ll need our members to provide us with great biographical and authorial information.
Be prepared to answer some questions, like: Writer’s Name (this may be different than your ‘real name,’ but since we are in the business of promoting you as a writer, give us the name you would like the public to know you by); and Email (this would be only for the Website Coordinator to contact you about the date when your profile would be featured).
The questions are to help us describe you to our website visitors. Anything you write will be recast in third person. Feel free to leave questions blank if they don’t apply to you at this time. Each feature will be approximately 200-500 words, depending on the amount of information you provide.
Are you a member of KWA interested in doing a writer’s profile? Click the link below and fill out the electronic form. April Pameticky will then be in contact with you about when your profile will be shared online. It is our goal to do several member profiles a month, promoting through Twitter and Facebook. Feel like your ready? Great! Let’s click and go!