There will be NO monthly meeting March 21st due to the coronavirus problems. Stay safe. Stay home. Keep writing.
March 21st Meeting
The March 21st meeting will be in the same location, but at a different time: 10 am – 12:30 pm. Louise Pelzl will lead a program on understanding GMC: Goal, Motivation, Conflict.
March 21st Writing Prompts & Excercise
It is exciting to find out that more of our members are doing some of the writing prompts. If you haven’t done so yet, try to this month. You can also do any writing prompt from another month or from somewhere else. You can write the challenge as long as you want, even if it…
February 2020 Templates
Some are Microsoft Word docs and some are Excel spreadsheets Character Profile Contrast – Word Character Profile Contrast – Excel Story Progression – Excel Research Tracker – Excel Author Book list Distribution – Excel 4 Chapter Plotting Template – Word 7 Chapter Plotting Template – Word 12 Chapter Plotting Template – Word 15 Chapter Plotting…
February 2020 Handouts
Click to download the pdf file Range of Romantic Fiction Adding Romantic Elements to Other Genres Romantic Plot Structures Basic Romantic Elements Showing Body Language Seduction Microsoft Word Tips
KWA Write-In, Networking
We are going to try having drop-in meetings weekly again. These are for anyone just wanting some time away from their everyday life to do some writing away from home. Or for anyone wanting to do some networking with other writers, maybe get some feedback on a project you’re working on or thinking about. We…
February 15th Meeting – Romance and more
The program for February will have two focuses: Romance and Tips for writers using Microsoft Word and Excel. We will have handouts and discussions about: Range of Romantic Fiction Adding Romantic Elements to Other Genres Romantic Plot Structures Basic Romantic Elements Showing Body Language Seduction Tips for writers using Microsoft Word and Excel
February 15th Writing Prompts
Last month we had a few members who took up the writing challenges. Let’s see if more of you try them this month. February Writing Prompts, Words, and Exercises: Prompts: With respect to love, there is one thing I will never do again Two coffee shop regulars frequent the same store at the same time….
Academy Award Shorts Film Festival
The Wichita Public Library hosts an annual film festival showcasing the short films nominated for an Academy Award in the animation, live action and documentary categories. Check out the locations and times at
January 2020 Handouts
Click to download the pdf file. Basic Formatting Basic Word and Page Counts Basic Genres Fiction Themes Where and When to Write What to Write Taxes and the Writer Websites to Announce Your Book and Promote Goal Setting Organization