Happy New Year, writers! Our regular meeting is next Saturday, January 15, 1:30 to 4:00, at the Sedgwick County Extension office. (https://www.sedgwick.k-state.edu/) The office is located at 7001 W. 21st St. N. AKA 21st and Ridge in Wichita. We will be in the Sunflower Room.
Unless someone else has something to present, I thought we could discuss writing goals and how to reach them. Bring links to any helpful website or programs you have tried or would like to investigate. Ways to encourage each other? Hold each other accountable? Other ways you can motivate yourself? Chocolate and caffeine are usually good. Music can help, too. How do you motivate yourself to BICHOK (Butt in Chair, Hands on Keyboard)?
Hope to see you all there. As usual, Kansas weather is cooperative until the weekend. Also a reminder that dues are due! $20 per year gets you information, networking and an alibi if you get caught researching how to murder…
Katherine Pritchett, President