We will be meeting at the Sedgwick County Extension office, 7001 W. 21st Street N.Wichita, Ks 67205, 1:30 to 4. The extension office is at 21st and Ridge; you can enter from either side.
Starla will start our discussion about Websites for Authors. This will include WHY you should seriously consider having one and many other aspects about them: domain name, DIY vs custom design, contents, monitoring website traffic, and using it for marketing. There will be handouts available.
Following the basic introduction on the subject, everyone can share their thoughts, experiences, and questions.
Please feel free to bring a friend.
Here are some great websites to check out, maybe subscribe to, as they offer some good advice.
Live, Write, Thrive https://www.livewritethrive.com/
You are welcome to wear a mask as a consideration to others if you so choose.