KWA elects its board of directors for the next year in November, with the new directors taking office in January. Now is the time for you, the members, to consider running for a position. If you are interested, let one of the current directors know at least by the October meeting.
Our current Bylaws require six directors. One board member may have two positions, exclusive of the President. The Board is also required to have a minimum of three Board meetings, which all members are allowed to attend.
Board Directors:
President – The principal officer of the organization. He/she will preside at all meetings of the board and member meetings and will supervise and control all of the business affairs of the organization.
Vice President – In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, along with any other duties assigned by the President or by the board.
Recording Secretary – The Recording Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a book of minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and member meetings.
Treasurer – The Treasurer shall keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the transactions of the organization, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital and surplus. He/she shall deposit all funds in the name of the corporation in such banks or trust companies as shall be selected by the board. The Treasurer shall file or cause to be filed any local, state or federal tax reports. Reports to include the Annual Report to the State of Kansas, IRS Form 990, and Kansas Sales Tax. The Treasurer will submit a monthly statement to the board.
Members at Large (2) – The Members at Large have no specific duties other than to support the board and the membership.