Attention members, non-members, and other potential attendees; This is a reminder that our meetings will now be held on the FIRST Saturday of every month. That means our next meeting will be on February 1st.
We will be meeting in our usual place at the usual time: the Evergreen Public Library Branch, located at 2601 N. Arkansas Ave. from 1:30 to 4. (although we will likely shut things down around 3:45 so we’ll have time to put tables and chairs away)
Since our presenter, Louise Pelzl, was unable to attend January’s meeting due to the inclement weather (much like many other members) she will be presenting on the subject of editing during the first part of the February meeting. Unless someone has a reasonable objection, she will be breaking down the subject of editing for us and doing a shorter presentation at the beginning of multiple meetings instead of giving one long presentation. (Each meeting would then have a second presentation on a different subject.)
I think there will be a great discussion on this subject and I don’t think any of you want to miss it.
Now, we will also need to set aside some time during the second half of February’s meeting to discuss possibilities for future presentations and try to finalize plans for the rest of the year. Busy! Busy! Busy!
If you have a particular subject you’d like to see discussed at a future meeting, THIS is the meeting to attend! Come in and voice your opinion. I’m hoping to get the rest of the year lined out at this meeting so we’ll have a set plan moving forward. Failing that, we will do what we can and then try to finish finalizing those plans during the second half of our March meeting.
At this point Jana Dahmen has kindly agreed to wait to present on character development at a later date (to be determined) instead of presenting in February.
Again, the meeting will be held on February 1st from 1:30-4PM at the Evergreen Public Library Branch, located at 2601 N. Arkansas Ave.
Brian Balzer, President
Wichita Public Library – Evergreen Branch
(316) 303-8181