Attention members, non-members, and other potential attendees. This is a reminder that our meetings will now be held on the FIRST Saturday of every month. Mark your calendar! Put a note on your refrigerator! Set a reminder on your phone! Tie a string around your finger! Just don’t forget!
Again, the meeting will be held on January 4th at the Evergreen Public Library Branch, located at 2601 N. Arkansas Ave.
At this meeting a number of things will take place.
One of our long time members, published author Louise Pelzl, will present on the subject of editing. It will be a very informative presentation which everyone will benefit from. If you have specific questions regarding the editing process, please bring them with you.
If anyone has a short example of something they’ve written and edited which they wouldn’t mind sharing that could be helpful. We may use more than one depending on the time allotted for the presentation.
We will also be trying to line out our presentations for the rest of the year. If you have a particular subject you’d like to see discussed, let us know at the meeting. We’re hoping to set a plan moving forward. Failing that, we will do what we can and then try to finish finalizing those plans during the second half of our February meeting.
Once again, we will be meeting on January 4th from 1:30-4PM, at the Evergreen Public Library Branch at 2601 N. Arkansas Ave.
Wichita Public Library – Evergreen Branch
(316) 303-8181
January 4 Meeting
Category: News